
Qvantum QE

Exhaust air heat pump

  • Available in 6 kW output and inverter control to meet the comfort demands of the home.
  • Instantaneous domestic hot water for comfort as well as efficient legionella prevention.
  • Balanced ventilation with the accesory QS.
  • Future proof connectivity.
  • Integrated buffer tank that enables true energy peak price shaving for both hot water and heating.
  • Suitable for single – and three phase connections.
  • Simple installation through low weight and compact dimensions.

For more info – contact sales on phone: +46 10 332 00 54 or mail: sales@qvantum.com

Qvantum – All in One


Integrated heating, ventilation & hot water in one system

Qvantum QCloud

Universal corossion protection

Minimize legionella

Qvantum QCloud


Open API & smart algorithms – integrated connectivity

Qvantum QE

The Qvantum QE is an energy efficient exhaust air heat pump, providing heating, ventilation, and hot water. The heat pump is inverter controlled and has an integrated buffer tank. The exhaust air unit extracts energy from the outgoing ventilation air. The inverter control automatically adjusts to the comfort demands of the home, thus minimising energy consumption.

Domestic hot water is produced instantaneously with heat from the integrated buffer tank. The buffer tank can also be used to avoid energy peak prices for both heating and hot water. The QE heat pump is available in 6 kW output and supports both single- and three phase connections.

Effective defrostning obtained by hot gas defrostning secures cost and comfort effective defrosting cycles

The compact and flexible design of the QE heat pump makes it easy to install, not only in newly build homes, but also as an upgrade for existing exhaust air heat pumps. The heat pump is well suited to replace gas boilers in low temperature systems. The heat pump is easy to operate and has a low noise level, which makes it an asset to any home.


QE Installation and user handbook